Monday, April 20, 2015

Machine or Mystical?

I haven't written for a couple months.

Quitting my job in 2 weeks--going to take an adventurous leap into the unknown and hope to survive  succeed!

Mark twain wrote an article about how man is just a machine--he is a product of his upbringing. He is the addition of two people, a village, the social system, and all these inputs... And those inputs produce specific results. Those results equate to this present moment where you happened to stumble into this blog.

I think there is some sense to this. But I don't want to believe it.

I just watched Frequencies (2014) It presents an argument that we all resonate a specific frequency, and that frequency makes us compatible with one another. It presents an argument that <spoiler alerttt!> certain words can control people--that our communication can control people. But that Music and other sounds --or rather, other frequencies--can counteract that. And that somehow there is a universal frequency that we are all attracted to that we all bow to and that if you understand that frequency you know everything. It too, argues that man is a machine. That he or she only reacts to the forces put into him and never acts on his own.

Both of these arguments completely stump the free-will theory. Both of them seem to point to destiny. Both of them point to complete order.

And the problem is... that if there is a destiny, if I don't control anythign I do because in the end things will play out the way that they are supposed to--well, I don't want ot live in that world!
I want to have control over my actions. I want to be able to change. I want to be able to will myself to be happy if I want to and to will myself to succeed. I want to earn it--not that I don't earn it, but that if I am just a reaction to the great reaction that happened in the begining--the big bang, then I don't like that! I don't like to feel as though I'm not free.

And unfortunately, there is an argument that: well, you are can do whatever you want to do, but it's supposed to be,and even if it is supposed to be, and even if you are merely a reaction, is there anything wrong with that? You live a life.

I dunno... I just like to think there is an alternate universe out there for every decision. That there isn't just one thread. That I'm picking the thread that I want to follow and I'm weaving my own tapestry.