I'm turning to this because I guess I feel unheard. --or whatever emotions are associated with that.
I perceive myself as a good, benevolent person. I think this mostly because I have no ill motivations, and genuinely have progressive/good-future-making motivations. I don't usually get jealous, I want people to succeed, even if it means they are better than I am. I am also willing to help people succeed as long as they just ask me for help--provided that I can help them.
I think I'm peace motivated--but I focus on long-term peace rather than short term concessions. I want to resolve conflicts with lasting resolutions rather than short-term appeasements. I'm open to anything. Everything is subject to negotiation, everything has a price-tag and if you can figure out what I don't even know about how much I value something or why I value something, you can have it.
So it bugs me whenever people make accusations about me that are negative. They might be true, but they aren't what I perceive, and that makes it difficult to face. I come around eventually--I would come around quickly if I could only see it, but I can't always see it, even when I want to see it.
The way these accusations are presented helps--obviously there are more gentle ways of saying things--but not always. What helps me is being specific. Obviously, I don't want to be these negative things, and telling me that when I do X it causes Y, which is not something I want to be, can put it into perspective for me.