Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A battle was lost today

How shall I put this?

I don't want to reveal too much too soon, but I suppose I will release a tiny part of a secret and leave my fans guessing about what's going on inside my brain.

I've found a way--provided I am able to accumulate enough money up front--to live on less than $5k per year, which I intend to make by online work. This is all part of a larger, master plan called operation Self 100.

Self 100, I suppose, isn't a classified secret, but like a specific religion would put it, it is "sacred" to me, so I'm not going to talk much about it in depth. (that's a joke, btw).

Self 100 is 100% self sufficiency--to create more than 100% of what is consumed. It applies to: food, water, clothing, electricity, rent/lease/taxes/mortgage, etc. It's a full lifestyle that relies entirely on renewable systems, bartering, and concise planning.--think of it as living the way colonists did, except without the rampant exploitation of resources [colonies could only last until the resources were depleted and then require imports, Self100 can last until the person doing it gives up/dies, but someone else could take over at that point].

The sad truth is that governments get in the way of self-100 because they expect you to produce and pay taxes--even if you don't benefit from those tax things. Thoreau tried to combat this but failed with multiple lawsuits, so rather than evade it all together, I intend to make just imports to pay the export tributes off.

As the title suggests, however, a battle was lost today, and I'm not talking about a legal battle or a physical battle, but rather a mental battle. Part of preparing for Self100 is conducting feasibility scenarios to explore the full scope of Self100. Self100 isn't supposed to be limiting in any way--it's supposed to allow you to have whatever you want provided that you find a way to incorporate it into the whole system and make it "renewable." For instance, you could do self100 on a rental system where you rent a home or lease a business or any number of things that ultimately bring you an income, which means you could do self100 in a city, you could self100 your business you could self100 a lot of things, but I've found that smaller, privately owned is the cheapest route and easiest to fly under the radar.
The moment that you get big enough to be noticed, other people are going to want a slice of the pie and your exports go up which require you to bring in more inputs and often times that means doing things you don't want to do just to pay off the exports. --That's the complete opposite of what self100 means. It means you don't have to do anything you don't want to do because your entire system is self sustaining.

The scenario I played out was somewhat depressing though. There is something that I want to incorporate into my long-term plan and when I looked into the costs, I found out the following scenarios:
Option A - $0 - $1,200 With the assistance of the government (something I would consider a MAJOR input and I don't know if I want to do that or not)
Option B - $5000 - 12,000 The typical method. No benefits no drawbacks but there are certain usual risks that might be better avoided.
Option C - $26,000+ An alternative that eliminates the risks of option B but provides others. The wait-time is as long as 24 months before some level of stability is achieved, but there are a lot of forms to fill out and monitoring.

Option C became invalid when I saw the price tag, and option B is a lot of money for someone who only does online work and doesn't want to get strapped with debt.

I guess the biggest thing to understand is that: Controlling the means of production gives you freedom. That's all I want to do with self-100 is create a system where I control the means of production and don't have to do anything I don't want to do and that will truly last forever.--That's how I intend to rule the world.==No exploitation.

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