Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Grow up?

I just don't know what to make of this?
What kind of creep doesn't believe you when you announce on facebook that you are suddenly engaged to your girlfriend?--actually, that's not what it is. What kind of creep calls bs on your announcement, and what creeps agree with it?

Maybe I'm making a big deal about this when really it's nothing, but to me, that's actually kind of rude. Instead of saying congrats or great job or anything, they say that it's bulls!%#. --Thanks guys. Are you saying that because you're jealous that I'm engaged and you are not? or are you saying that because you didn't think I would get engaged?--me, the dating and relationship coach? You don't believe that I would get engaged? heh. Idiots.
The other possibility is that they think I have too high of standards to ever find someone who could meet them? --Wrong again, knowing what I want and how I'm going to find it has helped me to find just the right girl for me. I've grown from my search too and learned a lot about myself and what I want to be...that's really the biggest point I make in my dating coaching is that when you have a plan and you strive to obtain it, you'll see a lot of success.

Along with that half-rude comment (I'm not really offended or anything, I just think it's bizarre behavior to make a comment like that, hence why I only think it is half rude), my best friends aren't the ones congratulating me or saying anything. My more distant friends are the ones wishing me well. It's odd really...

I almost want to say to everyone else to just grow up. The biggest reason why people disagree with my dating coaching blog is because they're too immature to see the significance of what I share. I find that a lot of the reason people have problems with dating and relationships is really because they haven't grown up enough. Maturity is really a big key to having a relationship (it's not everything, but all of the signs of maturity are also things that help you have a good relationship).

I also must mention that a lot of the topics I bring up for my blog are directly related to close friends and what I would like them to hear. Do they take the advice? No, not usually, in fact I've seen them twist it to their own liking, but the advice DOES apply to my other readers and they actually take the advice and benefit from it.

So I suppose what I have made out of this is that some people need to grow up and that I really don't care. The end.

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