The weather in Utah is spurratic (sp?), --I know, I know, the weather man says that too, "spurratic showers...spurratic snow storms". You can never tell what will happen until it happens. Who can blame them? They're basing their information on what appears to be patterns.--Coming from the film industry I know that patterns can be faked and if God wishes, he'll change the patterns for anything.
I guess this just goes to show how often science doesn't know the answers.
I was thinking about that the other day: the way I see it there are two approaches you can take to life: the scientific and the humanitarian (not sure if that's the term, but roll with me). You can go through life making predictions based on the scientific observations and mathematical calculations that someone made up (read my post about the rapture to get a few kicks right now, or you can go through life making predictions based on human behavior.
Sciences has all sorts of conversions they have to perform. for example, to measure human performance they still have to create a whole bunch of averages and ratios--such is the life of a fantasy sports team. After converting the player into a number that is relatively predictable they make "educated" guesses about the success of that player through the year.
But A sees the determination of the player, the work ethic, and the character and then they make an intuitive guess about the success of the player. --Sometimes luck really is a factor, and I think humans can sense it though they might not be able to calculate it mathematically.
I suppose the reason why the weather is so "spurratic" is because mathematics can only go so far. Sometimes it doesn't rain on the just because of their righteousness and other times it rains on the just because they need to be tried. The old saying "when it rains, it rains on the just and the unjust as well" isn't always true. (read my post about global warming for a few kicks and giggles)
In any case, I'm going to make a bet against the weather and hope I hit a home run this memorial day weekend.
*cue baseball music: Nuh nuh nuh NUHH nuh NUHHHHHHH CHARGE!*
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