Thursday, December 8, 2011

Michael Buble: The Man's Christmas Wish

Michael Buble got his start when he was 16 and his Granddad traded plumbing services for stage time at local bars. His dad was a commercial fisherman and when he was 14 took him on the ship as hired crew. Just think: If Buble didn't have the support of Men, where would he be?

Men, real men, please join with me this Christmas and let's fight the plagues of mankind: there are many young men out there who lack of self-confidence, fear the future, lack of ambition to accomplish anything with their lives. There are also many young men out there who have all of these things, but they can't seem to get passed the suppressing powers-that-be, no one will give them a chance, no one will mentor them, no one will support them. Worst of all, the only voices they hear are that of the cynic--the pessimist who can't seem to see beyond the negative aspects of life.
Our young men of the future need your help. They need you to teach them, to encourage them, and most of all they need you to be patient with them. We as a society cannot surpass the negative parts of life if we do not support the future generations of mankind. Who do you want to teach your children how to defend themselves? Who do you want to teach your sons how to command their lives? Who do you want to teach your sons how to love? If you do not teach them these things, and other men do not teach them these things, then they will be taught by women or they will be taught by the worst kind of men.
We don't want our young men to be taught to be sissies. We don't want them to be taught to be uncivil and manipulative. We want our men to be men, taught by Men, to be what they ought to be: Men!

This Christmas, join with me in supporting the rising generation of boys who will one day be men. Find a protege and don't stop until you can say that you helped shape that young man's life for the better. Don't stop until you can say that you made him into more of a man than he already is. Don't stop until you can say that he is more of a man than you are. We CAN beat the plagues of mankind, but only if we come together as Men.

Have a Merry Christmas Season and a Happy New Year,

Yours Truely,

Kyle Oakeson

p.s. Women and Men, please pass this important message along to the men in your life: the old men, the middle aged men, and the young men.

God Bless!


this comes in response to the concert Buble put on recently. Watch this: Buble invites a young man to sing with him

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