Sunday, November 3, 2013

13 Beliefs

[[I updated this and re-posted to add 3 more and adjust some phrases]]

Although some people might disagree when I say this, I am very open to reason and not stubborn.--The thing is, I believe what I believe very firmly until I am presented with an overpowering argument. I feel like being stubborn is to refuse to listen to other peoples' arguments. Being stubborn is to not give people the benefit of the doubt. Being stubborn is when you fully know that you are wrong and yet you stick with it.--I'm not stubborn. Just like many rhetoricians instruct, I try to be open to the truth and argument and consensus.

I have been working on this weighty project for several months. It is a list of core things that I believe in. I have taken into account as many viewpoints as possible, I have asked questions, had discussions, and spent hours thinking about these things and I feel as though this list is a list of things that I stand firm in. I am open to changing my mind provided an overpowering argument is presented to me, but as I already stated, I've been working on this for several months--you might even say years--and these are the things that I have rooted myself in:

I believe in:

1.       Universal Truth and Universal Constants
a.       Yes, there is ALWAYS one thing that is true and a lot of partial or non-truths.
b.      But the truth is trumped by how it affects people.
2.       Life is a compilation of memorable experiences
a.       All we know is what we have experienced.
b.      Life is the combination of our spirit-body and our physical-body.
                                                               i.      We existed in our spirit-body before we had a physical body.
                                                             ii.      Our physical body can be destroyed.
                                                            iii.      Our spirit body is indestructible and constitutes our whole persona.
                                                           iv.      Before we were born we were learning universal skillsets, which are manifested as natural talent here in this life.
3.       Everything must eventually end
a.       There are only two things that will always exist: our spirits and universal truth.
b.      Spiritual beings and universal truth is all that really matters because it is constant.
                                                               i.      (1-b) Spiritual beings trump universal truth, because spiritual beings are active and universal truth is passive and cannot change.
c.       Everything must end because spiritual beings exist
                                                               i.      Unlike universal truth, spiritual beings change things and make an impact.
                                                             ii.      Spiritual beings aren’t always constant, they may make one decision one day and another decision another day.
d.      More correctly, everything goes through a cycle of phases: beginning and ending and then beginning again
                                                               i.      Once created, the basis of our universe—the elements—can never be destroyed but are merely recyclable.
                                                             ii.      Endings are the pre-cursor to beginnings.
                                                            iii.      Things don’t begin and end—these are just states—things change.
e.      Even though things are beginning and ending all of the time, they are not returning to their original state; each time they change they become different.
f.        Even when they change from one state to another and back again they come back as a different version of the same thing.
4.       We--sentient spirits--are the most powerful things in the universe
a.       Because we are spiritual, we have the potential to affect everything in the universe.
b.      We are also the dominant spiritual being, more dominant than animals because of our intelligence and power.
5.       What we experience through life is based on how we react to new events in our life
a.       True, the events in our life shape us, but ultimately we control how we react to them.
                                                               i.      We may not be able to control all of the events in our life and therefore sometimes we are forced to make decisions and changes
                                                             ii.      But we can always control how we feel about such things: positive or negative
b.      One of the greatest skills we can develop is the ability to accept whatever life gives us
6.       When life is not forcing us to change and shape, we have unlimited possibilities
a.       We are such powerful beings that we can accomplish anything that we set our minds to
                                                               i.      Our minds, the connection between spirit and body, are so powerful that we can overcome our physical limitations
                                                             ii.      Our minds can reframe our realities into enjoying the bad moments and we can find happiness from anything (but only if we learn to use our minds)
b.      Even if life forces us to change, we can change back so long as we want to
                                                               i.      Sometimes forced change is caused by universal constants and other times it is caused by other people
1.       Universal constants are always going to force us to change, and attempting to live contrary to them will always be difficult but possible.
2.       Change caused by other people will not always come by force and we can oftentimes find a balance between the wants of others and the wants of ourselves.
7.       No two people are the same
a.       Our experiences shape us, and different combinations of experiences have different effects on different people
b.      It is impossible for two people to experience the same things
                                                               i.      Past experiences emphasize or de-emphasize our present experiences
1.       Certain combinations of experiences in the correct order shape people in similar ways, but having the correct combinations is very difficult.
2.       Sex is one of the closest experiences two people can share, because one causes the experiences of the other and vice versa.
                                                             ii.      Location and distance prevents people from experiencing the same results in the same way.
                                                            iii.      The time when people experience similar things can have an effect on how the individual experiences those things.
                                                           iv.      Pre-disposition, perceptions, beliefs, and desires effect how people experience the same things.
8.       There are four distinct obstacles facing all mankind
a.       Death
                                                               i.      We all die, but we don’t all cope with it in the same way because we are different
                                                             ii.      To overcome death we either need to make something out of the lives we are living, develop a way to live forever in happiness, or find a way to live life comfortable with everything that happens.
1.       Making something out of our lives is called building a heritage, and pharaohs, kings, and even great minds do this by creating that their name gets attached to whether it is a tomb, a kingdom, or an invention or way of thinking.
b.      Curiosity
                                                               i.      We are always striving to learn and experience new things and make sense of things that don’t make sense. However, there is no limit to the thing we can learn and experience
                                                             ii.      To overcome curiosity, we either need to accept that there is no limit and to learn to be comfortable with what we do know and experience, or to forever pacify our curiosity by exploring everything.
c.       Purpose
                                                               i.      No one wants to do things aimlessly. We desire that everything we do contributes to a greater aspect of life.
                                                             ii.      To overcome our desire for purpose, we need to have goals, dreams and desires and know ourselves—our wants and desires—then we need to apply all of our actions towards those things.
d.      Desires for connection with others
                                                               i.      There is a universal constant related to the change that is ever present from life (3-c), that as people change they move apart from one another unless they are growing together.
                                                             ii.      If both people are not growing together, then they are getting further apart.
                                                            iii.      To overcome our desires to connect with others, we need to find people who are willing to grow towards us, and we need to grow towards them.
9.       Relationships are what matter most in this life
a.       Because people are always changing and everything else is constant, people are the catalyst of everything in life
                                                               i.      Although universal truth is important, it will always remain the same and never change—once you know the truth you are no longer curious about it.
                                                             ii.      Because people change, you can always point your curiosity towards them.
b.      People contain infinite energy, infinite power, and infinite ability
                                                               i.      It is easier to access the power inside of us when we are joined with other people
1.       When people are paired, the reaction that one person has on the other can spark a greater impact than for an individual to make decisions and changes on their own.
2.       In good relationships one will improve the quality of life and experience of the other through motivating and beneficially influencing the other person.
3.       However, in bad relationships, the pairing will have a negative effect; it can limit one’s potential, energy, ability and power.
10.   Society and Community are important aspects of individual life
a.       Society and community is an interconnectedness of individuals to one another
b.      Societies require a slight contract in order to remain in balance
                                                               i.      We are obligated to follow commonly consented social contracts simply because we are a part of society
                                                             ii.      Unless we discover a way to truly live in isolation, we will always have to submit to some form of society’s contracts.
c.       Societies help individuals accomplish things they might not otherwise accomplish
1.       [such as peace, civility, freedom, etc.]
11.   We have a responsibility to act ethically
a.       There is a disturbance in the universe that prevents
b.      Each act we make creates a consequence, which causes that disturbance, therefore we need to align our acts with universal truth as much as possible in order to balance the natural movement of the universe.
12.   An Ethical act is one that brings about a good outcome
a.       Regardless of intent or what it says about you, the universally ethical act is the one that creates a good outcome.
b.      We can only judge other people, and ourselves, by the outcomes that we bring about.
c.       We should make every attempt to create good outcomes.
d.      It is our responsibility to correct all of the bad outcomes we create, regardless of intent.
13.   Conflict occurs when the universe is unbalanced
a.       Conflict is a disagreement through which two forces involved perceive a threat to their needs, interests or concerns.
b.      Sentient beings can have conflicts with Universal constants.

c.       In order to overcome the human condition, we have to resolve our conflicts with Universal constants and other sentient beings.

I'm still working on this list and will continue to develop my ideas as I become more and  more firm about beliefs I will add to it, though I have tried to start with what I thought was most important. 

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