Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pure Love

Listening to a few songs by Christians and by agnostics or otherwise, I started to think about Pure Love. Let me describe it to you:

It is universal--the way you love your dog, your friend, your parents, your spouse--it's the same.
Love never ends, once you love someone this way, you can't retract it or else you will invalidate your love
Love protects others
But Love lets others protect themselves because, Love is freedom from intervention
Love is learning about the life of the person you are loving; their strengths, weaknesses, goals, dreams, desires, and the problems they are facing presently.
Love is listening and expressing empathy
Love is being proactive instead of reactive
Love leads you to take full accountability for your actions
Love is apologizing and correcting yourself
Love is never walking away from someone because Love is always being available
Love is overcoming fears
Love is overcoming the pain those we love cause us by forgiving them
Love is thinking in groups rather than as an individual
Love is always unique
Love is desirable to give as much as it is to receive
Love is what I'm trying to have for you

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