I nearly started this article the same way I usually start an article: "I was thinking lately..etc". That's just poor writing really. It would be better if I just said: "today's topic is..."
Today's topic is rhetoric and friends. Is it ethical to use rhetoric to control your friends? to lead your friends along? Is it worth it? Should you use rhetoric to change your friends?
I would say yes. to all of these. It's an odd topic, but hear me out:
People are changing all of the time. They may not realize it because their personality stays the same--they approach problems the same way even though they've come to realizations and they've acted and "changed". Personality stays the same. That's what I like about friends--their personalities. --well, I also like their flaws and strengths, but that's another story. (flaws and strengths change but personalities do not)
In any case, if you are changing all the time, why not change in the direction that -I- want you to? Why not do what I say instead of someone else? Remember: rhetoric is only half of the equation (unless you're manipulating people by using fallacies). You still have to 'convince' them and it's a huge democratic process (see Socrates). So why not apply your own influence on someone you're interested in rather than let other people?
Friends come and go. What I mean is: you go through phases with friends where they're top -of -mind, then they fade out for a while as you focus on other friends, then you return to your friends. --People change through their who life, so of course when you return to them you can't expect them to say the exact same when you return. So if you're fine with keeping your friends for life, why not be fine with changing them for life as well?
That leads me into a subject I would like to explore in the future: what is the bond that connects friends, relationships, etc? --because of the fact that you CAN leave and return to people who are different, what is it that prompts us to think: "They upset me, but they're my friend" "they changed, but they're still my friend" "things are different, but I still love him/her." What is that? Is it love? --Love is caring for someone's well being, so it could be that. Is it lust?--think you're gonna get lucky? what about people of the same sex or those who you aren't attracted to?--that's not lust. Is is the desire to make failed things work? --Things didn't work the first time, you separated after all, do you want to make them work again? Or is it as though you're meeting someone new?--not likely. More likely you're meeting someone new...who you are already familiar with their personality so it's easier. Is that it?
--I'm getting notorious for blowing micro examples into macro examples sooooooo:
What about people who, as spirits, knew and had many friends? --I believe I was a spirit before I was born, and that I had a [limited] life as a spirit, (think like a toddler or baby) and I knew other spirits.
So what if I could somehow remember people I was 'friends' with before I was born? Are there connections I could make in this life with people I knew back before passing through the veil (when your spirit and body are joined together, you go through a veil where you forget your existence with God and other spirits, that way you can learn and grow and be tested in this life to see if you'll follow God---if it's part of your personality/if you can make it part of your personality and behavior and if you can obtain mastery over your body and bodily lusts/desires, or something like that.)
I think it would make sense that every now and again we remember our previous life. People do it all the time. I do it sometimes where I feel "connected" to someone that I've never met before. And I can't explain it. So this is me attempting to explain it.
And with that, when I think that (another micro level again), I feel like its okay for me to put myself out there--put my point of view, my take, my opinion out there and try to convince them to come closer to what I want (and again...they have to the option to use their rhetoric to change me, to deny my advances, etc etc.)
Respect is key in Rhetoric. Remember that--I'm not sure if I've ever wrote an article on that or not. Mleh.
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