Friday, November 25, 2011

God's Disconnection

I think the biggest disconnection people have with God and life is that they don't understand that we are given trials for a reason: some are reactions to our own actions and will teach us not to do those things or to come closer to God for assistance, others are of no control on our part and also are meant to bring us closer to God. Not only that, they try us and make us stronger people.

The central observation I want to argue in this article is that no one has an excuse for any of life's handicaps. Whether a person is forced to live in a wheel chair or they struggle with a long line of family depression, those aren't excuses. Excuses are the thoughts we use to get out of achieving success. The truth of the matter is: if you are meant to have family depression, or if God sees fit to put you into a wheelchair, you're there for a reason. Using those things as an excuse to govern your life will get you  no where--God knows what he's doing and if you'll just turn your attention to him he'll let you see why he let those things happen to you.

Essentially, there are no excuses. Excuses are weaknesses that we need to make into strengths; and they are often the thing I focus on improving and getting out of for the week-month-year.

In my case, I sometimes use excuses to get out of having conflicts with people who probably aren't good for me anyway and I say things like "oh, I don't have time for a you to visit today" or "I would like to but I have to do ... sorry". If I'd just tell the person that I didn't want to talk to them or visit with them, or waste my time with them, then I'd probably be better off. I'm working on it...I'm working on a way to tell people that I have other preoccupations that are more interesting to me at the present time. --My communication is my weakness. I don't know how to tell people in a direct manner that I NEED to do things but that I don't want them to be offended. I do care about people, it's just that I'm a prioritizer and sometimes fulfilling other peoples' needs is less important to me than fulfilling my needs. --let's not even get into wants! I want a lot of things but the only times I get what I want are when what I want is what I need. I've found that that works out great: just want what you need and nothing more and then all you get in life is what you need plus a little extra to be thankful for.

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