Monday, September 5, 2011

20 min

It's a race. I have 20 min about before my clothes get done drying and I can take them out and shower and go to bed. But I wanted to write a quick article of something that popped into my head thanks to a friend of mine and a conversation we had while driving in the car today.

The jist of the conversation was that she claimed Utah, LDS boys (I'm paraphrasing and so I hope I'm not taking extra liberties) think that girls are all about getting married. At the time, I didn't have an argument for her, so I settled on an old principle I learned long ago, made a movie about, wrote several articles about on my blog, and am here before you today: I don't think anyone knows what they really want. --She went off about all sorts of things related to that topic and she appreciated my comment, but I think she missed the real point I was making: little LDS Girls are the same way. No one REALLY knows what they want until they proceed with it, so you're not going to know if you want to get married unless you proceed with it. These little LDS boys and girls will not know whether they want it or not until they try it, so I don't think it's fair to judge anyone under that mindset--to do so would to judge an innocent man or woman (that's a play on words and I DO mean both of them)

What I wish I had a space to gripe and complain about is this very topic, and thankfully I started this blog up for that very purpose, for me to argue and expound things I have come to know in an atmosphere where it is less likely to damage readers of my other blogs. So here goes:

LDS girls don't serve missions, they don't know what the world is about, they think that life is about 'figuring out' what life is about. They go on little 'quests' to realize what they want out of life, they turn into little flayas and then they have the nerve to go around saying how they hate that "-all-" LDS guys are about getting married.

To these women, I say: you women have lost your sense of position in life. You are like the englishman who left his home in china, fleeing the revolution, and returned and was upset when he could not obtain possession of it again.

It's true, there ARE men out there who only talk to women to marry them, but guess what? the rest of them only talk to women because they want to have sex with them. You're growing up in a world that you know nothing about, and when you have finally come to the conclusion of what this world is about, you'll regret not getting married sooner, not settling down, and not enjoying life the way you are supposed to.
And then for the small percentage of guys who aren't about getting married or sex, (which is smaller still because a lot of the guys who think they are the exception to this really have deep down intentions for one or the other), their reasons are platonic only because they ALREADY have someone who can provide for their sexual or marriage needs.
Yes, NEEDS that's what it comes down to. Men have needs, as do women. Women just have a way of not realizing that they can fulfill their needs through marriage. As far as I am concerned, only an idiot would pass up the chance to get married, and only the fool would sincerely complain about the opportunity to get married being right in front of them. --I say sincerely because I believe most women do not know what they are saying (again, most women do not know what they want).
Let me portray this logically: when you're married, you have someone who supports you and your endeavors (emotional), when you're married, you have someone who you can learn with and from (mental) and you can fulfil any sexual desires you might have without commiting crimes against God (physical). [there are other things, but each falls under the physical, mental, emotional domains, and I'll let you use your imagination here because I am under the assumption that you are smart]
Again: Only an idiot would pass up the chance to get married.

What those women who complain "guys are just about marriage" are really saying is that they haven't found anyone who fits into their plans. What that REALLY means is that they aren't on the right level that THEY need to be to have a marriage relationship. It means that these women have thus far FAILED in life to run with the herd. There is someting wrong with THEM.
Why do I say that? Why don't I say that there is somethign wrong with societY?
Because Society ISN'T complaining. The opposite end is quite happy with how things are and change is slow, so I can assume that they are going to continue being happy...

This all comes back to that one principle: You can't change anyone but yourself. If YOU have problems with the way guys are and act to/with you, it's probably something YOU are doing wrong. I am fulheartedly a believer in the power of leadership, and I know that any TRUE leader can get people around them to whatever they want--if these women had more of the substance of a "gorgeous woman" they would have EVERYTHING that they want out of life and have LITTLE to complain about--especially other people.

***As a side note, I'm not sure I mentioned this anywhere on my blog, but I HAVE written a book on what it means to be a gorgeous woman, as I kinda touched on in this article. It's more than physical beauty, it's more than emotional or intellectual prowess, it's an overall package. These women lead in society, they control rather than are controlled, they accomplish and are a GREAT contribution to the good fight. What woman would not want to be that? It encompasses everything, so why would they not want to be a gorgeous woman? --because they set their standards too low or sights too low, and they care about things of...
Ya, let's just say if YOU have a problem with your world. Change it. Don't blame other people. You NEVER have an excuse to blame other people for things you dislike in life. And I am one to say that: I spent a great deal of my life complaining about how life was treating me, and it got me no where. But then -I- changed (not the world) and I am happy. I am on the good path. I am a worker and a spreader of good everywhere.

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