I wrote a poem/lyrics to a famous Ratatat song called loud pipes. --the song doesn't matter, what I wrote does though.
I wrote out a deep frustration of mine and I think I did it rather well. Here is the link for you to check it out: "A Popular Part of Society"
Now that you have read it and listened to the tune and imagined me rapping it, let me explain it.
I am utterly frustrated and disgusted with our modern society's women. It's almost as though it is just the last two generations, of which I am part and I don't want to be. You see, young women these days have their brains filled with fantasies. They want something that they can't have: they think they want a boyfriend who will make their life exciting and "fun" and "passionate" who can make them "sensual" and cause them to laugh every day and be ultra sweet and protective and "treat them like a princess". Really, what that means is they want someone who will be their slave. They think they want someone who will treat them like they are the "only girl in the world", who will save them from everything in their life. Basically they fantasize about what they think they want out of a boyfriend and a husband.
And since reality is not some stupid fantasy, they don't want to give anyone a chance. They wait around until they think they "click" with someone, but it's just the passion that clicks--its the short-term excitement and butterflies that make them THINK that they are getting everything they want. In fact, the reality is that their brain shuts off certain judgmental skills and they float around aloof. This leads them to THINK that they have everything perfect, and then when it all subsides they THINK things are going bad and then things end and they over-dramatically weep and wail over the loss of their significant other--really, it's just a relapse of their brain shutting off, convincing them that the thing they can't have is the thing they want most and that they screwed good things up.
Such is the story of young girls, and young women. And they marry foolishly because they have no common sense when they get married and people like their parents and like Disney feed them a bunch of bullshit about how prince charming is supposed to sweep them off their feet and be the perfect gentleman. It's such a conflict that they don't realize the truth.
Relationships are build over time, over compromises, over commitment, and over love--not passion. Passion may spark the fire, but if there isn't any fuel or oxygen then nothing is going to work out. Love means caring for someone else, fulfilling their needs because of your commitment to them and your realization that you NEED to be loved. I don't think most young women realize that they NEED to feel loved. I think they believe their their parents are good enough, or their roommates are good enough, or their friends are good enough, and then the way that our working society is structured these days encouraged the workplace to be their family and to love each other. Women are drifting away from the root of what our society is founded on: families.
And families are really simple: parents come together with love and commitment and compromises, they bear children, raise those children to an age where they can leave home and continue the process. That is how society advances. Each generation is meant to be better than the last. And yet...I think we as a society have de-evolved into lesser than even the animal kingdom. Animals continue this pattern, husbandry encourages this pattern so that young are raised to where they can mate, and they mate and then fulfill their purpose in life, whether it is in the racetracks or in the glue factory.
Families are the most crucial unit of society and of God's plan for us. As a sociologist, meant to be THE expert on the necessary components of society, and he or she will tell you that the family is the most important institution. As a religious man what the most important unit in society is and he will respond with the family. The Family IS important. More important than school, more important than work, more important than church, more important than the local bar. Family. Yet young women these days fail to see that. They are trained not to, they are exposed to hegemony that they don't understand and that convinces them that they do not need or should not focus on starting a family. They fear what family is like. They fear what would happen to them if they branched out into the real world.
Why do I only say women? Why not men? --Because men have always had an innate desire for companionship. True, men can be at fault for making companions of men and never marrying, but at least they understand the desire for companionship. And in fact, most men desire female companionship, however they are being neglected by women. Men are trained so that they turn to women for their suckling--for the nourishment, for their survival...women too are trained to turn to women for their suckling. It used to be that after they were suckled, the women would be raised to desire a husband who can provide for their needs. Now they are raised to provide for their own needs. Where do men fit into the course that women are plotting?
As you know, or should know if you are reading this blog, I am a relationship coach and manage a blog titled Dating Zion. What that ultimately means is that I have devoted an intensive portion of my life to studying how relationships are formed and how dating ties into relationships. I have written a book that I am weighing whether I should get it published. I have done my research. Whether others desire to refute that, or they desire to challenge my results, I am all for that, but I have found more followers than opponents when I begin to explain relationships.
So when I say there is a problem with our society, and that contrary to what women and men are lead to believe, it isn't the men's fault, I should have some credence. I know more men who mope around wishing they had some female to turn to to encourage and nourish them, than I do women. And coming from my position that I have, I am privileged with knowledge about their characters and their lifestyles and I can honestly say that there is nothing wrong with these men. There is no reason why any girl wouldn't want to marry these men. They are in fact just that: Men. They work, they are attractive, they are incredibly kind and many of them are quite powerful and confident. What more could a woman want?
--They want excitement. They want passion. They want to engage in risky behavior, or they don't recognize that they have needs. They don't realize that OTHERS have needs as well and that it is THEIR duty to fulfill those needs.
I for one am sick of hearing the "chivalry" bullshit. Women complain about how men are not chivalric these days. Men too, will side with them and say that other men are just rude. Yet I would argue that it is a false notion of society to think that women can expect men to lay down their coat in the mud for them to walk across when the women are not encouraging of the men, they are not willing to talk to the men or listen to the men, they are so self-absorbed that they don't see that there are starving men around them and the only thought on their mind is how inconsiderate men are for not holding the door for them.
In America, the colonists were fed up with certain aspects of their lives. They didn't appreciate that the British held guns in their face and forced them to comply in giving them a % of their wealth without giving them an opportunity to speak. To open their mouths and protest. To be represented. They did not have any of this and they rebelled. They founded a more perfect union. They made things just where there was injustice. I would compare the current society in a similar manner. Women may complain, but they are well favored in the world. They are privileged to more things than men are, and men are downtrodden by women to the point where hegemony steps in and they actually THINK that the way women act is appropriate and fine. --This behavior may have been fine years ago when women were not allowed educations, were mistreated, and were ever malcontent. But not in these times.
We are in a new dawn for society. The fall of the communist empire, the rising influence of non-profit organizations, the spread of democracy around the world. All of these things signify that we are in a new world, we are playing a new game. And with a new game, there are new rules. I can go no longer in my patient walk. Women may wine and complain, they may consider me a jerk, they may refuse to hear me out, they may hate my ethos. --I do not care. In the new society, everyone is equal. Equal in blessing, equal in punishment.
I see no difference between the rich young man who refuses to help the poor beggar, than I do between the rich young woman who refuses to help the poor beggar. I also see no difference between the snobby white-trash girl who thinks she is better than her nerdy white-trash neighbor, than I do between the douchebag who thinks women are objects.
All I am saying is that women use men as objects when they look at posters of their favorite male singers and crush on them and then refuse to talk to the nice young neighbor boy because he is both young and neighborly and not famous and wealthy. Men are not objects to fulfill your wildest fantasies of power, wealth, entertainment, or sexual pleasure.
Women can be players just as much as men can.
Women can be jerks just as much as men can.
Women can break hearts just as much as men can.
Women can be as unchivalric as men can.
We just call all of these things differently. Yet our society condems the uses of words that such women can be referred to.
If a girl nearly ran me over in her car and I called her a bitch for doing so, not only would I be looked at by those around me as lacking temper, but her boyfriend would come after me, and she would likely run home and cry.
Yet if a man nearly hit a young woman on his motorcycle, it would be perfectly fine for her to call him a prick. No one would think lesser of her for doing so.
In our modern society, no one has an excuse. If we are to be liberal in our treatment of women, then we are to be liberal in our treatment of men. It should be okay for us to call women cunts and bitches and whores and flayas and pussies and pissy PMSy. We should be able to say them in public. However, I would rather we refrained from using any of those words and in fact did not call men dicks, players, jerkoffs, douchebags, pricks, or other such terms. Why can't we all just be civilized and treat other people the way that WE would like to be treated, whether they are men or women?
Why can't we just overlook the nerdy, creepy, ridiculous, or unsocial behavior and forgive the rude, crude, snobbish, lazy, or 'otherwise' behavior.
I will never turn down the opportunity to build a relationship. I will be anyone's friend who so desires. I will even put up with the behavior of those around me because I so desire them to put up with my behavior. And I have a hard time when others place reservations on a relationship and forming a bond of friendship with someone simply because they spot things they don't like in the other person. For starters, you can never fully know a person--not even after 50 years of marriage. Second, people change daily, and to pass up the opportunity to help those people change to form more in line with your own reality would be foolish, because it is society's rejects who attempt to follow the crowd, the real "crowd" is the one that is lead by a leader capable of convincing his or her followers to agree with and apply his or her philosophies. Don't be fooled.
If someone takes an interest in you, do all that is in your power to retain that interest. --oh, let me tell you! In marketing, it is too hard to win someone over who is not interested in your product, yet it is easy to reach a mutually benefiting outcome with someone who already has an interest in the product. The same is true for relationships. It is easier for you to have a friendship with the boy next door who has taken an interest you, than it is to have a friendship with the poster on your wall who you will never meet, never share a connection with, who will never get your back when others will not, who will never comfort you when you are down, never encourage you when you need encouragment.
Oh, and one more thing: If he gives you a chance, do not fail him.
I wish I could rely on the principle of Karma: what goes around comes around. But alas, it is not an actively taught aspect of my religion nor do I believe my audience would believe in it. But I have seen that those who are rude recieve rudeness in return--not from those they were rude to, but to those closest to them. Karma, in an odd sense, is real. And if you turn down your one chance with a mysterious stranger who you have already prejudged, you may be turning down the next poster on your wall.
To conclude, I MUST voice the meaning of the final lines:
If it comes to it, I will trade in my relationship coaching and all of the help that I provide people with their relationships, and I will turn to a form of condemnation. I will condemn men and women not because they are a man or because they are a woman, but because they are a blotch, a spot, a pock, a cancerous cell in society that must be removed. I will trade in my helpful attitude for an attitude of disgust. Why? Because people respond better to the realization that they are worthless and insignificant, more than they respond to that it is not their fault and that they can improve. My white shield will become a black one, and I won't defend them much longer.
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