Sunday, March 20, 2011

Knowledge is power

[[I'm purposely being vague, but I suppose if you agree with these points then, mleh]]

Point number one:
Knowledge is power
Point Number two:
Power isn't good or bad
Point 3:
But people with power are tempted more than those who don't
Point 4:
People judge more than they have right to
Point 5:
You can't see life through their life unless you live it
Point 6:
People don't like what they don't understand
Point 7:
Having someone who accepts you can prevent you from doing the worst deeds
Point 8:
People tend to judge those they don't understand and with no one to help them, no one who understands them, their downfall is accelerated.
Point 9:
People use those people mentioned in #8 as scapegoats because it makes them feel better about their lives.
Point 10:
Powerful people are judged and blamed for most of the world's problems
Point 11:
the more you say it the more it happens
Point 12:
The more you blame them and judge them, the more it becomes true
Point 13:
Those people fall even further when history records it

So knowledge isn't bad, but if you can't control it it had been better you didn't know it.
Is there a way to erase knowledge and start back at the beginning? Start back when you didn't have to know all the truth, when it was easier to be blinded lead astray and aloof. Back when it didn't matter what people thought of you because you didn't know what they meant?

How does one redeem their self when they fall? --I'm not sure that it's possible.
What if they do it in secret? Should they expose it to the world for ridicule or move on with life and forget that they slipped up?

One thing I do know: If it happens in secret, keep it that way, fix it yourself and don't give anyone the opportunity to haunt you for it. Blackmail must be worse than any other deed, I just need to prove that now.

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