Saturday, March 19, 2011

The More You know you Don't Know the More you Realize you Ain't a Smart 'in

Some days I really feel smart--you know, like I'm the hottest kid on the blog block and I know the answers to practically everything. --I'd like to convince you of that, but before I do let me tell you that I'm really not all that smart.

Some of the smartest people I know are also the dumbest ones. --Dumb as rocks. They know nothing about science, math, or anything else, but they know how to detect truth better than the rest of them. They know that they aren't smart. They know that they only have one chance to make things work for them and so they know that they've got to work for it. They know where they are going in life, where they fit in, and they know they have to learn to be happy with whatever happens in life.
The smart ones though... they don't know anything. They don't know what's right or wrong because there's too much to think about. They don't know what they're going to do with their life because they have too many options. They don't know even the slightest of who they can become and they think they can become anything; but when you expect to become ANYTHING, you aren't going to be SOMETHING.

So to put it simply, I wish I were dumb as rocks sometimes. And on occasion I am. I do a lot of gullible things or I feel pretty "blond", or I think I know something only to find out that I was completely wrong.--As I mentioned when I started this blog, I'm comfortable changing my views when a more persuadable view comes along.

I'm still learning. I probably will my whole life because I know I don't really 'know' anything and I can become anything I want, but I only want to be one thing. One of these days I'll have to give up everything else and choose one thing that I really do want to become because you really can't be everything.

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