Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fight Terrorism

Terrorism is the cause of manipulative rhetorical practices. It's full of fallacies. It often uses a beliefs system. But more importantly, it pits the recruit's beliefs against 'the enemy.' Essentially, what is really taking place is one person with personal agendas, uses their rhetorical power to convince another human being to enact his or her plans in his or her behalf.

The lower dregs of society are always the easiest to manipulate with rhetoric however, they aren't the only ones who are easy targets. People who perceive themselves as oppressed, extremists in any particular belief system who are easily subject to emotional pleas, and even people who are merely looking for a quick fix--both drug users and addicts as well as anyone financially strapped. Simply put, if you can be bought, are over sympathetic, or have illogical belief systems, you are an easy target for manipulative rhetorical practices (MRPs).

Terrorism happens when a person's agenda is to scare or terrorize someone else. Terrorists typically fight dirty, they would rather hire someone else (using MRPs) than do the fighting themselves. There is a sense that terrorism works in the dark places while open war works in the light places. Metaphorically, it can be said that Terrorists work in darkness.

The point of this brief article is that anyone can become a terrorist.

Everyone has a belief system, and with just one life event, that belief system can dominate their life. Take, for instance, the Christian who's unborn child dies and they blame God for it. While they're blaming god for all of their problems, someone could apply just the right kind of rhetoric to convince them that god worshiping society inadvertently inflicted more pain on them during their time of need, and that person could be converted into raging acts of cruelty to other Christians. You think this is far fetched?
How about the guy in Sweden who killed several Islamic school children late last year because he claimed that the over immigration in Scandinavia--all of Europe-- by Islamic immigrants were causing adverse political changes to the whole structure of society. --Was that not MRP? The guy even claimed he was part of a secret Templar-like organization!

But let's not say Terrorist.
If you're being manipulated, the person probably doesn't have your best interests in mind.
So really, instead of fighting terrorism, let's fight manipulation. And manipulation is any time someone convinces you to do something that isn't in your best interests. That includes SOME marketing campaigns (which are illegal, but people still get away with them), and it includes any kind of shaman, preacher, or magician who can predict your fortune if you give them part of your money.

The only way to fight manipulation is to be a savvy rhetorician--you can't fight words with anything other than words, and you definitely can't fight thoughts without other thoughts.

A la: You can't fight terrorist thoughts without anti-terrorist thoughts.

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