Thursday, February 2, 2012

Life is...Changing

When I started this blog, I wrote an article about how the universe is falling, how WE are falling. Everything is changing in life and I don't mean this in any evolutionary sense. Things aren't changing to survive, things aren't changing because they have to. Things are changing because we don't presently understand the way life works.

There are three governing forces that control change: 1) time, 2) needs, 3) wants. They aren't like switches or triggers that get flipped or pulled they're ALWAYS happening, and so in a sense, these forces are forcing change.

1) Objects, emotions, thoughts, they all have a time limit. Our entire planet, our bodies, there is a time limit placed on them. We can't live forever, we can't always be happy, and the moment that we discover some eternal truth, that's it. It takes one moment to realize something profound, and once we realize it, we are changed forever.
I wrote an article previously on enlightenment. I attempted to explain that once you find enlightenment, life doesn't suddenly end, just that you start to experience life at a heightened level, and everything you previously knew or thought you knew almost doesn't count--but at the same time it does count. People who find enlightenment, they don't avoid negative situations, negative feelings, negative thoughts, they just find peace and acceptance with them and have an easier time overcoming them.
Having a time limit means everything you old in your hands, everything you experience, it has an end and will melt away. Need I refer back to the human condition again? The whole world will roll up like a scroll at some point, I know that much for sure, death happens, people leave, when we discover meaning we find that we need to find new meaning of something else, it is unquenchable, and on and on.

2) Needs force change. Our needs change over time. When something runs out, we need to replace it; that applies to physical things as well as mental, emotional, social, even spiritual. Why does it hurt so bad for so long when we separate from a loved one? Because we realize that we NEED certain things that that loved one provided for us and until we can replace them, we'll remain the same way. If you quit your faith you'll quickly find that you need something to replace it. When you lose the things that once made you happy, you are forced to find something that will make you happy once again. Your needs force you to change, they force organizations to change, they force everything in life to change.

3) You wants are just like your needs, except wants are that extra stuff that you're working for that don't qualify as a need. I don't need to make a lot of money to obtain everything I want from life, but I want a lot of money because I don't want to change my mind later and not have it. Wanting things isn't bad, it just requires change to have it.

In a more grand scale, in order for anything to exist in this life, it has to change. To have seasons, the earth has to change--it rotates around the sun. But it can't just rotate around the sun perfectly, it is slowly drifting further and further from the sun; and the sun further from the center of the universe. That's just how life works.

In essence, we are all falling, a symbol for something much more grand; and this blog is titled: when 1 falls. You are one, and you're always falling, whether you want to admit it or not.

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