Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How I would fix the world to make it better

I'll be the first one to admit that I get jealous all of the time--not like in a covetous way where I wish I had certain materials that others have, but more like I get jealous of people who get attention and love.
Sure, I get plenty of attention and I am loved by quite a number of people, but sometimes I forget about that and feel as though I'm really just not that important to anyone. --And as far as love goes...well, let's just say I really only care about whether a few certain key individuals love me, and at times it's hard to really tell.

There is one way of fixing the world that sticks out to me more prominently than all others--that is, if the world really needs "fixing" because I'm actually quite fond of my world.
Not long ago I had a conversation with a friend of mine about what she would say if she had 10min to stand before the world and give a speech. It was one of those hypothetical questions that you ask when you're bored and want to determine what the other person is thinking about at that moment. When she asked the same question back to me I already had an answer: I would give the best speech I could possibly give on showing your love more and not being afraid to open up to people you don't know.
It seems to me that most of the problems you hear about in the world could easily be prevented if we cared a little more about other people. My experience is that most people don't really care so much that they aren't getting what they want from, but they do care that other people don't understand them and no one is trying to help them get what they want. This sounds like it's contradictory to what I said yesterday, but really it isn't: we're all working on our own lives, but that doesn't mean we can't try to assist other people's lives as long as we aren't bringing them down.
All of those robbers out there and the rapists and the jerks that are in such a rush to get to where they're going they'll cut you off to get there--they'll all could use a little more love in their life and some attention. Speaking from experience, the times I did some of the most rude things I have ever done have been when I really could have just used someone telling me they loved me and cared about me.

I have a friend, T, he was hit by a car when he was little and it messed him up pretty bad. I didn't get to know him until I was in high school and he took a little getting used to--I think it was the car that did it, because once you get past his speech problems and his desperate cry for attention, he's actually one of the nicest people you'll ever know...if you have hard enough skin to withstand the pokes he gives (literally, he went through a phase where every time he saw me he'd ram his finger into me and yell "poke!"--I'm sure it was great fun, but it got a little annoying.) He's since calmed down a bit and I rank him pretty high on my friends list.
Every so often he sends me messages or he'll talk to me at church--It really shows that he cares about people because he's doing really simple things that make a big difference.

I suppose my 10 minutes is up now, so I better get off so that someone more important can share their message with the world

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