Every other week I post an article on another site related to how to improve your dating life or the relationships you are in. It's (the blog)a free service I'm offering that I hope people benefit from as I only make money off of people clicking on ads. --Although I would like to make money just as a blogger, it's not a feasible with the content that I'm writing about. Not unless someone picks me up as a writer for their own site.
Blogging is mostly a ploy for marketers to lure in their customers: the ones that read blogs or the news that is...
Unfortunately, I don't have any products to sell just yet, so my blog is not only difficult to attract readers but difficult to make money at. I do however sell my services as a dating coach.
But making money isn't entirely the point. I write for people who want to benefit in life because I get really frustrated to hear people's "sob stories" about how crappy their dating experiences have been in life. The most frustrating thing about that is that I learned a long time ago what the big picture is with dating and how everything in your life plays a factor in it and I'm mostly just fed up with people who don't try at life who get into terrible situations and relationships and don't even realize it. --It's hard for me to explain in just a few lines, but simply put I wish men and women in general were at a higher level because it would make the whole world better. I'm talking: maturity, intelligence, sociability, spiritually, physically, etc. The sooner the entire world raises it's level, the sooner the world will become a better, nicer, happier place.
The time to raise the bar on life is now, and it's not like I'm raising it, the entire world is raising it's own bar and more and more people are failing to rise above it.
As more and more people reach a higher level, it puts pressure on people who aren't like them to become like them.
Case in point: when celebrities get prettier, women in general are under greater pressure to get prettier as well. When more and more geniuses rise to prominence in the world, it puts greater pressure on the rest of the world to become that smart too.
If I were to use an analogy, I'd use the: run with the herd or get left behind, analogy.
So long story short, I'm a dating coach. I understand what it takes, I'd say I do a fairly good job at keeping ahead myself, and I want others to pass the bar as well because when you pass the bar, you can be successful in other areas of life. All of them. And I think it is appropriate for Latter-day saints (my target market) to rise above the bar and quit letting the selfish, greedy, world beat them out on every fronts.
The problem however, is that the world IS nicer, less-selfish, and less greedy than a majority of those latter-day saints in the church. There's a major issue with pride in the church and I really wish there wasn't because it's blinding and not really recognized by the people who have it. Heck, I probably have a little pride too, but at least I recognize it and I'm willing to admit it and work at it.
Yes, being a dating coach is frustrating, but if I ever get the chance to REALLY help someone, it'll all be worth it. Someone just needs to LET me help them, and I think that's the hardest part about marking this business is finding people who want to succeed so bad that they'll hire a coach to do it.
In the athletic world a coach improves a player's game. In the dating world I improve a person's game. Personal trainers help people lose weight and look good. I help people lose those flaws that prevent them from looking good, and I help them look good character wise an personality wise.
Maybe I need to target beauty pagents and the like...they're more like athletes in their investment to win...
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