Friday, February 18, 2011

We are so powerful

I'm a little confused about why there are so many quotes out there that deal with how one person can make a difference even though they don't realize it. The reason why this confuses me is that it ALWAYS takes one person. In every group of people there is only one leader who leads them, even when it seems like several people are in charge, those "several people" typically have one person that they turn to in order to get directions. I think its only natural for people to seek direction and leadership--we have it programed into us because of how important it is.

With that said, I think if people only realized that they have so much potential that they could become anything they want do anything they want, and convince others to take up their cause with them, they probably wouldn't be saying silly things about being only one person and yet still making a difference. --and that's not even getting into those people who think they are only one person and can't make a difference.

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