Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's only natural to be lazy--but does that mean it's right?

I didn't know what I would feel like writing today so I figure I'll write a simple post on how some days you get persuaded by yourself to be lazy or unmotivated or "busy"--but the only real argument to those feelings is to just push forward, be consistent and keep working.

I want to write on here at least once a day with something related to my theme of how persuasion works and how it is related to what we know as truth, but sometimes I just can't get worked up enough to write something incredibly meaningful.--it's only natural I suppose (the "natural" argument), it happens to everyone at least so I assume it's just a part of life that we will always have to deal with.

However, I've grown to the understanding that just because it's natural to be lazy doesn't mean that it's right--some natural things are that way and we've gotta go against them in order to survive or reach our goals and dreams.

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