Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's not a competition

For whatever reason I've been blessed with a lot of things. And I enjoy the things I've been given. In fact, you might could say I walk around with my head held high, in good posture, and confident-like all because my life is going pretty good.
But also for whatever reason, there is always that one person in any collection of people who thinks they've gotta compete with everyone.--I forget what it's called but I believe there is a specific complex (little man syndrome?)

In any case, without fail there hasn't been any moment in my life where I haven't had one of these pesky kids who can't stand that I'm always doing things with my life and they want to either bring me down for them or brag about something they are doing that they think is equally as important or cool.--Look, I really don't care about what you're doing. If you want to compete do it on your own time because I'm more concerned about getting my projects done so I have time to relax, and don't bother me while I'm relaxing because no one wants to be annoyed by a little fish in a small pond.

Truth of the day? Life isn't a competition. We're all trying to do our own things and make it through this test we call life. It's an individual thing, living is...no one else can do it for you, and you really don't have to compare yourself to other people ever as long as you have a purpose to your life and you're reaching to goals that you are setting for yourself.

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